Saturday, 5 October 2013

Brendon's birthday

Thursday Brendon was the birthday boy! He took the day off from work and we spent the morning together. Fedex phoned to say that Brendon's SUP had arrived and we waited (Brendon very excited!) for the delivery before heading out. After picking Owen and Erin up from school we went to Magnolia for a celebratory cupcake (for the cherubs) and coffee (for the adults). This morning we packed breakfast, the SUP and every other imaginable item that we thought we would need and headed out to find some water. It was like being in Maldives again. We had such a good time and the cherubs were very happy. After breakfast on the beach we packed up and headed home. Brendon and Owen went to football practice and Erin and I quickly baked the belated birthday cake of "Pigs in the mud". It has been a continuous 3 days of celebration and joy.